Business details
Your Deck in just 1 day. Leave for work and forget about it. Come home from work, fire up the barbeque and sit out on your deck in the evening sun. Good times start here.
Decks in a Day refers to a standard 10'x10' - or - 10'x12' deck, prebuilt with 2”x10” pressure treated framing and cedar or pressure treated decking and a railing of your choice.
There will be a quote and on-site inspection before terms are agreed. Decks will require posts or footings for support and foundation. This will be installed on previous day(s) to enable the deck to be installed and supported in one (1) day.
We also do Custom decks. These are quoted on an individual basis and do not fall under the 1 day deck guarantee.
Errors and Omission Excepted.
Prices shown do not include tax (currently 5% GST in AB).
Decks in a Day are a bonded company.
Building permits are most likely required and will be arranged during lead time prior to construction. Some situations may not require a permit. We will determine this during the site visit
Gas mains, plumbing, electricity and other utilities requiring movement will be advised in advance. Only licensed contractors will be employed for utility moves.
- Deck Builders
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment
- Wednesday By appointment