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8 Best Selling Books to Add to Your Reading List


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Today we want to take you through a list of books that cover a wide variety of topics from finance, to entrepreneurship, to self improvement and more. These books are currently at the top of the charts right now, and for a good reason. If you’re looking for inspiration or just a good read, make sure you check out some of these books as they’ll be talked about around the water cooler for weeks to come.

Unshakeable: Your Financial Freedom Playbook by Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins, author of New York Times bestseller, Money: Master the Game, is back with a new book taking you on a step-by-step journey to transform your financial life and guide you on the path to financial freedom. Regardless of where you are in life and your financial status, the book will provide you with the tools you need in order to create and reach your financial goals faster than you thought possible. Having coached more than fifty million people from 100 countries, Robbins teams up with Peter Mallouk to reveal how to put together an actionable plan that will get you to financial freedom, strategies used by the world’s top investors, and the fastest way to put money back in your pocket.

Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by Ashlee Vance

Elon Musk is a book that takes a look at the life of Silicon Valley’s entrepreneurs and the exploration of the American invention. This novel by Ashlee Vance, spotlights the vision of Elon Musk and the technology he’s working with, and captures the spectacle of his life, work, and entrepreneurial pursuits. She uses Musk’s story to explore pressing questions about society and the inventors and creators who lead the modern world. A thoughtful and insightful book that brings to life the rapidly changing technology industry.

Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur

Milk and Honey is a #1 New York Times bestseller that features a collection of poetry and prose about survival, violence, abuse, love, loss, and femininity. The book is divided into four chapters, each with a different purpose, dealing with a different pain. The book by Rupi Kaur, takes readers on a journey through the bitter moments in life and finds sweetness in them, because as the author says, there is sweetness everywhere if you are just willing to look.

You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

Jen Sincero, #1 New York Times bestselling author, gives us a book of hilariously inspiring stories, advice, and exercises, in this how-to guide. This book will help you identify and change the self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviours that are so prevalent in today’s society. Sincero will help you get past your fears so that you can take bigger risks, make money, love yourself and those around you, and set big goals and make sure you reach them. This book is perfect for those looking to create the life they want for themselves, love who they are, and love what they can’t change.

The Happiness Equation: Want Nothing + Do Anything = Have Everything By Neil Pasricha 516jeCySZwL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_

The author of the Book of Awesome series, Neil Pasricha, is brought us a new book called The Happiness Equation, illustrating how to want nothing, do anything, and have everything. The Harvard MBA, Walmart exec, a New York Times bestselling author, husband, and dad, reveals how to unlock the 9 Secrets to Happiness throughout his book. He provides readers with step-by-step guidelines the show you exactly how to apply the secrets to live a happier and fuller life.

Tools of Titans: The tactics, routines, and habits of billionaires, icons, and world class performers By Timothy Ferriss

Author, Tim Ferriss, has interviewed over 200 world class performers for his podcasts in the last two years, from super celebs such as Jamie Foxx and Arnold Schwarzenegger, to athletes, and Special Operation commanders. He’s taken extensive notes and shares the important tips from past guests and life lessons from guests that the readers have yet to meet. The book contains many tools and tactics that readers may not be able to find anywhere else. It’s uniques because it focuses on details of the guests, such as what they do for the first hour of their day and what their workout retails look like and why. Ferriss has vetted and explored these tips and tricks and has put them to use in his own life. It’s ultimately his notebook of high-leverage tools that have changed his life, and he’s sharing it with you hoping it will have the same effect.

The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit By Michael Finkel  51QkkpYBgUL._SX336_BO1,204,203,200_

While many people dream of escaping reality and modern day life, most never act on it. Michael Finkel tells the remarkable true story of Christopher Knight, a man who lived alone in the woods of Maine for almost three decades of his life turning the dream of escaping a reality. The book is based on extensive interviews with Knight, and depicts his story with riveting details on how he managed to live without human contact for 27 years, survived in a tent through brutal winters, how he was able to store edibles & water, and how he got food, clothing and entertainment. As the pages unfold, you’ll get answers to puzzling questions such as how to live in solitude, without a sense of community, and what makes a good life. A story on how Finkel wanted to live life his own way, and how he succeeded.

Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly

The never-before-told true story of Hidden Figures is set against the backdrop of the Jim Crow South and the civil rights movement. The story tells the tale of NASA’s African-American female mathematicians who played a crucial role in America’s space program, whose contributions haven’t been recognized until now. Before NASA’s historic achievements were the professionals who worked as “Human Computers” to calculate the flight paths that made Neil Armstrong’s moonwalk possible. Among those professionals was the talented African-American women who were segregated from their white counterparts by the Jim Crow laws. Hidden Figures tells the intimate stories of five women whose work forever changed the world.

We hope you enjoy one of these books. Have a favorite that didn’t make the list? Share in the Facebook Comments

Anastasia graduated with a BA Honors Communications Degree and is currently pursuing her passion for writing and helping small businesses succeed.