411 Blog

White Pages: Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Manage Them


I sometimes get calls from people asking for Joanne—the online poker sensation, Joanne. It turns out my phone number is attached to her name in every single list of people’s phone numbers in Canada. So I called Rogers. Customer service said there was nothing they could do, and my best bet was to call every White Page directory to tell them Joanne no longer owns my number.

The fact that changing the information associated with my phone number requires so much effort irks me. It should be a painless process. After all, phone numbers change owners all the time.
Thankfully, updating the name linked to the number is a breeze on 411.ca. We call the process “Taking Control of Your White Page,” and we are the first company in Canada with White Pages to offer it.

So why should you take advantage of this service? Here are my top 3 reasons:

1. It’s fast and easy
The process will take you less than five minutes. The best part is, you save yourself the headache of speaking to a customer service rep. Find out how to take control of your White Page here.

2. It won’t cost you anything
What most people don’t know is when you sign a contract with a telecom company, let’s say Bell, your number is automatically placed in a database that companies can buy. Of course, you can get Bell to remove you from that list, but there’s a cost. On 411.ca, you can create an account and then hide your private information in our White Page directory absolutely free of charge.

3. It lets you update your info
Your White Pages info may not be up to date. Only on 411.ca, can you easily correct details, show some of your contact info and hide the info you want to keep private. That way, you can control exactly how your White Page is viewed by the public, as well as by friends and family. If that’s not enough incentive, you can also add a biography and build your online presence by adding photos, status updates, and more!

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and manage your White Page.

-Cheryl, Community Manager