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Give Back By Participating in These September Events

Terry fox - September events

September marks the start of a busy time of year. It kicks off back to school and rolls right into Christmas in the blink of an eye. With everyone’s schedules picking up, it’s easy to forget September is also a month for giving back. There are quite a few things going on throughout this great country that everyone should either participate in or donate to. Start the fall and winter off on the right foot by checking out these September Events:


Parkinson Superwalk – Sept 9 & 10

The Parkinson Superwalk is a weekend long fundraising walk for Parkinson Canada. All efforts will go towards aiding those with Parkinson’s and research to end the disease. Parkinson’s is a degenerative brain disorder that kills cells that normally produce dopamine, a chemical that helps the body function. It is the disorder affecting Michael J. Fox


AIDS Walk Toronto – Sept 10

If you’re in the Toronto area and would like to support a great cause, the annual Scotiabank AIDS Walk is on September 10th. The 5km walk goes through Barbara Hall Park and some streets downtown. If you aren’t participating but live in the city, be wary of road closures!


Terry Fox Run – Sept 17

The Terry Fox Run is the biggest fundraising event of the month, and rightfully so. The Terry Fox Foundation has been fundraising for cancer research for over 30 years. There are plenty of ways to contribute to the run and subsequently the fight against cancer regardless of your location.


Alzheimer Coffee Break – Sept 21

The Alzheimer Coffee Break is a unique spin on fundraising. On Thursday, September 21, you can participate in a coffee break by either hosting one with friends or head to one of the many coffee shops involved. All for the purpose of raising money for Alzheimer Society Canada.


In the midst of all the Pumpkin Spiced Lattes and forgetting your children at school, you’ll have plenty of chances to do some good this September. Start the Christmas spirit early by giving back this fall.


David is a Marketing Communications Coordinator here at 411.ca. He loves all things sports, technology, video games, and of course, helping small businesses grow.