411 Blog

Get the Most out of your Real Estate Website

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The real estate market is going digital, so your marketing efforts have to follow. This infographic tells us that over 90% of people search for properties online and the top performing real estate agents convert their leads through digital marketing. Additionally, research by Redfin shows that 21% of survey respondents have made offers on a house without seeing it first. Considering these stats, your website can play a large role in turning prospects into clients and interested buyers into new homeowners.

Whether you need to launch your online presence, or improve your existing out-of-date website, we’re here to help. Get started now. 

Continue reading for our 7 tips on improving your real estate website, whether it’s your personal website or your real estate business’s.

  1. List your contact information on every page

You don’t need to include all your contact details on every page, but at least have your phone numbers so that every page offers a reminder to pick up the phone and call you. This will help you generate leads. You should include a separate page with the rest of your contact information and a standard contact form.

  1. Feature property listings

Your listings are one of the main reasons people visit your website, so it’s important to not only include them, but keep them up to date. You don’t want a prospective buyer showing interest in a property and having to tell them it’s been sold or no longer on the market. Include links to official listing pages or single property websites and images (see below).

  1. Post quality photos on your website

The pictures of your listings are a buyer’s first impression, so ensure your clients take good photos. High quality images will reflect the high quality services you offer. Your website should also include professional photos of yourself or your team to help clients connect with you.

  1. Create unique calls to action

Have a call to action on every page or your website to generate leads. Visit this link for examples of both good and bad calls to action for real estate websites.

  1. Post reviews from previous clients

Potential clients want to hear about the experiences of your existing and past clients. Include testimonials on your website, which you can pull directly from your 411.ca reviews and be sure to update them often.

  1. Link to valuable resources

Your website shouldn’t only focus on generating sales leads; it should also provide helpful information for your existing and potential clients. Linking to your blog with fresh content will help to improve your SEO ranking, making it easier for buyers and sellers to find you. If you don’t have a blog or you don’t post regularly, include some of your best tips for buyers and sellers on your website. This can help you become a valuable resource in the real estate community.

  1. Include your Social Media

Remind your clients to follow you on social media so you can maintain relationships with them. Visit this post to learn about how other real estate professionals use social media for marketing and staying in touch with customers.

We hope these tips are helpful for improving your real estate website. If you’re looking for more support, 411.ca offers packages for small business websites. Whether you need assistance with the initial design of your site, updating your content, or even a dedicated specialist to manage your web presence for you, we can help. Simply Request A Consultation to speak to a 411 Web Specialist about what’s right for you.



Laura has a B.A. in Honours Communications Studies from McMaster University and is currently enrolled in Humber’s Public Relations Postgraduate program. She is passionate about writing and local business, so this blog is the perfect combination of the two.