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5 Easy Ways to Drink More Water


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It’s Drinking Water Week in North America, a time for everyone to recognize the importance of ‘drinking water,’ where it comes from and what is being done to keep it safe and healthy. This provides a good opportunity to discuss how too many people are not drinking enough water – and the eight cups per day recommendation is not being met. Simply drinking more water boosts your immune system, improves complexion, increases energy levels and even promotes weight loss. So whether you’re a busy student, busy at work or busy with your children, ensuring you’re drinking enough water is essential. Here are five easy ways to do it:

Always start your morning with a glass

Starting your morning off with a glass of water kick starts your metabolism and gives you an immediate energy boost. It may not be able to replace your morning coffee, but it is a nice complement to the notoriously dehydrating beverage.

Buy a water bottleautri-taheri-217705

Owning your own water bottle has many benefits. Most have measurements on the side to help you track how much water you’ve been drinking. If you’re feeling fancy, you can upgrade to a “smart” water bottle like the Hidrate Spark, which notifies you when it’s time to drink! You’ll also be helping the environment by not buying plastic water bottles and contributing to plastic waste. 

Eat more fruit

Plenty of fruits have high water content. In fact, watermelon, strawberries and cantaloupe are made up of at least 90% water. Have a cup of any of them with lunch or on break. You’ll be upping your water intake while enjoying a sweet snack.

Create a water log/schedule

Making a schedule or log is the best way to stay disciplined and serious about drinking water. There are even apps like Daily Water that help log and set reminders to drink. To tie into the first point, every time you start your day with a cup you can check it off on your phone or notepad and be ready and organized for the rest of the day.

Keeping up with your water intake can seem like a task, but it is crucial for your health. It can become easy if you prioritize water and plan it into your day. Keeping Drinking Water Week in mind, tap water in Canada’s major cities is safe and your easiest access to water – so drink away!

Do you know any other quick and easy tips to help everyone drink more water? Let us know on Facebook!

David is a Marketing Communications Coordinator here at 411.ca. He loves all things sports, technology, video games, and of course, helping small businesses grow.